🧔 Hello World

My name is Emil. I am a programmer, passionate by coding, music, video and photography

Useful Tips, Programs and Fixes for Ununtu

Wi-Fi Fix for Asus Notebooks on Ubuntu

This week I have experienced a strage problem after Ubuntu installation. On my ASUS Notebook, the Wi-Fi was not activated after installation and therefor I couldn't do other updates and configurations for more programs. The solution was to search on my Smartphone what exactly is missing and what generates this weird Problem. At first sight I was fully convinced that is a driver or hardware issue. Well, was not. The only missing thing was a configuration file asus-wifi.conf which I had to create with gEdit and to copy on /etc/modprobe.d/ Folder. After doing that and restarting Ubuntu everything was fine.

So here are the Fix Steps found on forums:

- As root, create a file named e.g. asus-wifi.conf and put it in in /etc/modprobe.d/
- Insert this line in it: options asus_nb_wmi wapf=1
- Reboot and see if wifi works.


Other topics treathig the same subject:


Applications TaskBar on Ubuntu

I know that I am missing a bit that TaskBar from Windows and found an alternative on Ubuntu, it's called Cairo Dock and genereates a TaskBar alike MacOS, pretty and fully customized.



I-nex, cpu-g and Htop

If you need more info about your CPU and Memory I recommend you these 3 Programs: I-nex, cpu-g and Htop. Htop can be installed directly thru Ubuntu Software-Center, the other two muss be installed on Terminal.

// installing i-nex
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:i-nex-development-team/stable
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/gambas3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install i-nex

// installing cpu-g
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cpug-devs/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cpu-g

Related links:


Changing boot order on Ubuntu

This thing is for those using Windows and Ubuntu OS in parallel. It was a good info also for me till my last Levono notebook crashed and with this my Windows7 OEM gone. So, to change boot order, you have to edit the Grub file located at /etc/default/grub and to change value 0 from GRUB_DEFAULT=0. It can be a little tricky because in the list you have Ubuntu and Ubuntu Memory tests and at the end of list is Windows. But if you count the list, sometimes is not maching with Unutu Grub value. So, it may be that you need to do some edits on GRUB_DEFAULT value and few restarts till this works.

Here you can find more info about boot menu:


Getting info about folder/files sizes on Ubuntu

Fastest way to get info about your Ubuntu folders and files: df, dh and find in Terminal. It's good to know if your Partition/Drive has some space or not, so you can do some clear work if necessary ...

// displaying root folders with sizes
sudo df -h

// displaying folders with sizes on some arbitrary level
sudo du -h --max-depth=1

// searching files bigger than 30Mb on /var folder
sudo find /var -type f -size +30000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'


How to use Linux from Install to Command Line

Here you can find a small guid of Terminal commands, kind of beginner howto: